Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Short Film

Recently I was put into a video project to create a short film for video class. Unfortunately the final video that we created was taken down for copyright. Many things fell through with this film and complications arose but we were eventually able to pull together and make a very short film about a stalker. It was short and sweet and had very good shots.


Since the film that I originally wrote fell through and my actors were not able to show up we had to come up with something else quickly and were able to use another another script form the group. But being it had to be done on such a short notice so the story behind it was not as drawn out as it could've been and that brought down the overall quality. The new film was about a stalker hunting down his prey and ultimately failing with his target being able to get away after a fight between the two. There could be so much to the story but it was rushed.


We handled the film like you would for any other film. WE designed the overall film on pre-production, we shot the film in production, and we put it all together in post-production. In pre-production I wrote a script and we created a story board from it. However there were minor complications so I had to change some details in my original script. When we got to production, things started going south. My actors weren't able to make it so we had to create a new film based off of another script some one in my group made. It came together pretty well but being short on time, we didn't get a lot of shots. In Post-production we put it all together quickly but after posting it, the video was taken down due to copyright. 

My Role

My role was a director so I created a script, got actors to be in the film, and created a vision in a film. After my script fell though, I was shifted from directing to co-directing. I still worked with the actors but it was not my vision that we were working with.

Technical Skills

Since I did not work with the camera as much my technical skills were not able to be improved with this project. 

Learning From the Project

There was not a lot to be learned form this project. The first thing I learned is that you won't always get the best production crew to work with. My team didn't work well together and didn't much care for what we wanted to do. I also learned that you have to constantly communicate with your actors to make sure they can be there when you need them to. Some things I would change is my choice of crew and also my time management with the project. Some things I would keep the same is using my script next time.