Thursday, November 30, 2017

MX4D Expierence

There are only five 4D movies theaters in the country. One of them just happens to be in the midwest, twenty minutes down the road. 4D is a sensory movie experience that enhances the movie by using movement, smells, air, and other sights and sounds. The movie that was playing in the theater was Justice League.

I had seen Justice League before seeing it in 4D so my expectations for the movie were high for watching it in 4D. However it did not live up to the expectations I had hoped for. There was random movement that didn't go with the scene. Many water scenes had a missed opportunity of having water splash and the smells and air could be very distracting. The strobe lights for bullets were overused for some scenes but with any of the Flash scenes they were used effectively. The smells though, they were bad. The smells and strobe lights were probably the worst part of it all. My favorite parts were probably the Flash scenes.

Overall the 4D didn't do anything for me and probably made the movie worse. The smells made my head hurt and the air noises were very distracting. I would much rather watch a 2D movie over a 3D or 4D movie. 2D movies have so far delivered a much better expierence for me because it's just movie on a big screen that you can sit back and enjoy without any crazy special effects around you.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

How to Make an Audience Feel Emotion

There are many films out there that are able to make us feel something while we're watching it. Some films can do this expertly and others fall short to make us feel anything meaningful. I will show some of the ways that you can make feel emotion.

How to make an Audience Cry

There are many movies that are able to make their audience feel sad and sympathetic towards characters within a movie. Many people assume that the way to make people cry is by forcing a sad situation on to a character and trying to force the audience to feel something. This may work for a few people but for others it may just turn out silly r have no meaning. There is a correct way to make an audience feel sad and even make them cry and feel for their characters. In order to do so you must not just show their characters in a situation that would make the audience feel sad but show their reaction to the situation. This is the most effective way to make people feel something. Any good scene that makes you cry usually show some type of reaction to a situation. 

How to make an Audience Laugh

There are a lot of comedies out their that can make people laugh through the whole movie. However some movies just don't know how to do comedy and make their audience feel something. Usually in order to make a joke their must be a victim. Just look at some of your favorite jokes, is it targeting anyone? Targeting a certain object? These are the types of jokes that can create a happy feeling within a person and make them laugh.

How to make an Audience feel Happy

There are many ways to create a happy feeling within your audience. Not only is it making characters themselves feel happy and putting them into a good situation, but similar to making an audience cry it is the characters reaction to a situation. If a character returns after another has not seen them in a long time it is not just the Rouen that makes people happy but their reaction. Look at how Gandalf returns in Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers. It wasn't just Gandalf returning from a terrible situation that made people happy but also the other three characters reaction to Gandalf returning. Another way is to make a character rise up from a terrible situation where there is no hope. This can truly create a feeling of happiness since the audience want s to see the character succeed. 

How to make an Audience feel Scared

There are a lot of horror movies out there but many of them don't hit the nail on the head with making people feel scared. Most of the time they just set up some villain with something scary about them and then have main characters that have no idea what they're doing. Most movies rely on jump scares to strike fear but that only lasts for awhile. A really great way to make a character feel something is by shattering expectations and have a character that defies what the audience is being forced to believe.