Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Kansas City Savior Reflection

For our classes feature film I was the gaffer, or the chief light technician, whatever sounds cooler. This means for almost every scene I was the only who lit each character and created moody lighting.  Some of the things that came along with creating such amazing lighting was being able to light every scene without creating hard shadows. Some scenes such as the apartment scenes were very difficult to light since it was so tight and I wasn't very good at the lighting at the time. Eventually as the movie went on I got much better at the lighting which can be seen in the villain scenes and some of the warehouse scenes. Most of the feedback that was given to me was very positive and had very few negative feedback. Overall I think I helped create a better movie with my lighting by making what would be boring scenes to be more dramatic. My impact on the film was very positive and would create a stronger film. 

The time that I spent in class was trying to help keep the film together and help as much as I could to make it even better. I would check with other students as we progressed to make sure my vision with lighting would be able to compliment theirs. Outside of class I would try and find different lighting techniques and just analyse what creates strong lighting.

My strength as an e-comm student is being able to spot details or movement that creates a better scene. I have an eye for creating a nice picture and I maximize that by just taking a video or picture of what I see and seeing if it matched the vision in my mind.

Some skills that I lack is being able to convey my message to others. My ideas are very outlandish and can be difficult for me to explain how I want to it to play out. The way i improved upon that is by simply explaining what was going through my head when I wrote the idea.

During our premiere I like the limo ride and being able to talk to students from both classes. The thing I loved most was the amount of people that went to the premiere and being able to hear immediate reactions from something that we created. I think I would change the location of the premiere as Cinetopia wasn't my favorite theater to go to. I would also improve the seating arrangements. One thing I would take away from being able to create a film was working with others productively and getting things done when we needed to. For next year I'd like to teach the students what I learned so that they could learn from my mistakes and what they will need to do in order to succeed.