Tuesday, May 14, 2019

In the Endgame

We're in the endgame now, this is the end of 4 years of high school and the beginning of. new start for the rest of my life. Now I can go out into the world and expierence what it has to offer on my own. But of course sometimes it requires a little reflection and looking back.

5 Guarantees

In eComm we were introduced to something known as the 5 guarantees. They included Technical Skills, Communication, Collaboration, Leadership, and Project Management. They were created to try and set us up for the real world and when we actually get a job and are assigned projects and tasks. There was something to take away from each guarantee. 

Technical Skills

technical skills taught me how to use a camera, how to use editing software, and how to use my world famous lighting. It's important to know your way around technology because of the ever evolving world e live in where everything is starting to rely on technology. However having to wrap your head around software issues pr remembering what every button does on a camera is difficult for me because like every other teenager, I have an awful memory. 


Communication is another great skill since a lot of the time in the film industry you have to work with others to create projects and complete your films. It's hard to manage everything ion your own so working with a team is essential and will help you in almost everything you do. You can't really be taught how to communicate with peopler, you just have to do it and learn the rights and wrongs along the way. There's a learning curve to it and it can be very difficult when others don't want to work with you, which is something you have to learn how to deal with. 


Collaboration and communication are very similar as both have to do with working with others. It's easy to get angry at those around you when things aren't going your way but you have to learn how to deal with it, settle your differences, and move on. There's a skill when it comes to working with others because you don't necessarily have to communicate with people. You just have to know how to work with people effectively and what everyones goals and needs are. 


Leadership often requires one person to stand up and take charge over other people without becoming a dictator. Leadership is one of the harder skills to learn because there's a balance between being controlling over everyone and just letting everyone do what they want. There's a sweet spot in there that you have to learn in order to have everyone work as effectively as possible and ensure that everyone is doing their jobs correctly. You also have to manage everything that comes your way since you become the center of attention as a leader. 

Project Management

This is one that everyone struggles with. It's straight forward in the fact that you just have to know how to effectively manage your time and complete every task you set out to do. However when multiple other project start to come your way, it becomes difficult to take care of every singe one and complete it on time. You have to learn where to place how important something g is over the other. 

Strong Man, Weak Arm

One of my greatest strengths is lighting. everyone compliments me on it and I just try to do the best that I can with any given lighting. I also tend to work well with others and how to settle arguments effectively and make everyone happy in the end. However one things I struggle with is management. When everything starts flying at me it becomes very difficult to take care of everything without me wanting to breakdown and give up. However I somehow manage to push through and complete every task that's given to me on time and effectively. 

Video Work

This is one of my favorite film reels I ever made because it truly included some of my favorite work I did, however I lost 50% of the clips because of a stolen SD card. I had uploaded them to the computer but had to wipe it at the end of the school year so I kept them on the card. I then handed it over to and editor and never saw it again. It captures some of my best work as a cinematographer. I don't often do work behind the camera just because it still scares me however the second half of the video incorporates my lighting techniques and some of the best I've done for a feature film I made.

High Priestess Punch was a short film I worked on for a 25hr film festival. I was invited by a former teacher how supplied us with film equipment for our feature film and we ended u bonding during filming. He trusted me enough to handle the lighting and come with him during filming. We spent an entire night writing a script and creating a short film and it turned out to look pretty nice. The reason it's on of my favorites is because of how much fun it was. We had a great tie running around to different locations and staying up late to create it. It won 2nd place in 2 different competitions which is also another bonus for me.

This has to be one of the most fun projects I worked on. Creating this masterpiece of a short film was so fun and we all enjoyed it so much. It was basically a bunch of friends getting together one night to create a short film. I was a last minute addition to the crew as they were struggling to light a few scenes so they invited me to come help them. It was fun to make and there isn't a lot I would change other than trying to use an actual lighting kit instead of a light stand.

In Class

I used my time as best as I could, balancing y time with friends with working on my projects. I tried to do some outside work but most of the time it ended up falling through. There were a few projects here and there but none of them really involved me getting behind a camera. For in class projects I usually worked as the gaffer (the light guy). Everyone trusted me to create well done lighting the looked really good on camera. Sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't but my main focus this year was to light the actors properly and focus on making them look well lit.  I need to createmore films which is why I have a few planned out for this summer and into fall. I have a big year ahead of me and I'm ready to expand my horizons into something else. 

Last Oorah

I've made a lot of good memories this year and the last 4 years with everyone I've worked with. It's fun to look back and see how I've evolved as a person and all the different things I've done. There's nothing I would change because then I wouldn't have learned what I learned and wouldn't experience what I expierenced. I wouldn't be who I am today if I changed anything. I think I just need to create what I want to create and do what I want do when it comes to filming and I'll turn out alright.