Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Semester 1 Video Reflection

1 in 2000 Interview

For this project I had to pick one student out of 2000 at our school to do an interview on. Luckily I found Evan Mayo and I spent an entire class period interviewing him and setting up shots for the interview. Something that was difficult was the audio within the video because I was doing a walking interview and without mic equipment you can't necessarily create a proper walking interview. I learned that audio syncing can be very difficult with a voiceover and raw footage.

Some feedback I was given was that some of the shots were too long and didn't flow well with the last shot and also that some of the audio didn't match the footage with in the video. Some things are changed were what shots that I filmed were shown and some of the interview questions for Mr. Mayo. Looking back at the video, it wasn't the greatest video i've done but there were some redeeming qualities of it which was the idea of having a walking interview. 

Blake Weidenmeyer Feature Story

This project was a feature story of a student known as Blake Weidenmeyer. This video was very difficult for me because I couldn't get most of the interviews unit last minute. Blake was my last resort as I had 3 people back out on the day that I planned of filming. One thing that I learned in this video was how to apply a blur in the video and how to make fade out or fade in. I also learned how to create moving pictures within the video.

Some of the feedback I was given was to make it more of a feature story instead of news story. I also could have had better question for my subject and also had better answers from them. Some of the things that I changed was which questions and answers were put in to make it more of a light-hearted interview instead of just a straight up comedic one. Looking back at the video, I thought it was good for being my first time creating a feature story in my class. 

Keigan Andersen Feature Story

This project was one of my favorite projects to work on. It was a feature story over the Sophomore ONW football team which I am a part of and being able to get the guys back together for football was so much fun and we had a great tim filming it. The only real challenge that I faced with this video is scheduling conflicts and communication with the other guys in the video.

I learned how to balance audio to cancel out other louder noises and how to create passion from the players with personal questions. I received very positive feedback for this video the only bad one being the wind coming in from the video which was difficult for me to change but I did the best that I could do. I am very proud of this video and happy with the way it turned out in the end. 

Time Well Spent

Being in a video class for around 120 hours (3 full 40-hour work weeks)  sounds like a long time but when you're working and having a good time doing it,time flies by. I used my time in class very well by working as long as I could and as hard as I could everyday. If i finished a project early I would watch it over agin just to make sure that there were no big glaring errors or even little small ones that would hinder a the viewing experience. I also tried adding small effects to the video to enhance the way people watched the video. If there was a time where I could come in after or before class to work on a project I would take it. 
For the Keigan Feature Story I came after school and filmed for about three hours collecting around two and half hours of footage for a one minute video. Then for all the time that I had missed for editing i came in before and after school to add the finishing touches on it. 

Having Super-Strength in Video Production

While i'm not the strongest physically, I can be very strong in video production. I am able top creativeness into most of my videos including the ones that have to be professional. I maximize these strengths by looking at what i'm supposed to do and trying to find a loop hole to where I can add my own creative flare into my video. I'm also very strong at being able to deliver a meager through certain shots or someone that i'm interviewing.

Maybe Not So Strong In Video Production

Ohm areas that I could improve in are being able to stay on task and using my project management skills in my projects. There are also technical skills that I am not so strong at and would like to learn how to create special effects within my videos. 

Where It All Boils Down To

The thing that I loved most this semester was being able to create these amazing videos with the community that has been established within video production. Some things that I would do differently is becoming more connected with my classmates and sharing tips and tricks on how to create high quality videos.  The main thing that I will take away from this semester is how much i've grown attached to making videos and how to create quality videos.
One goal that've created for myself next semester is to start creating my own videos for myself. Want to be able to learn from the class and be able to apply that to my own video making when I start to pursue that career. 
Overall i'm very happy with everything that i've done in vide and i'm very excited to continue next semester. 

Monday, December 5, 2016

Feature Story 2 Reflection

Sophomore football is usually overlooked in high school and many people don't think about. However when you ask the players about it, they're passionate, they're eccentric about it, they love it. Keigan Anderson is just one of those few football players. He loves the sport and is proud that his team has gone two years undefeated.

The way I had my narrative was actually in reverse order. I started with a nut graph and then had a narrative lead. I thought that it would inform people better and keep them interested. It really introduced the main part of the story which was Keigan Anderson. I thought that that was important when watching it. The whole point of a feature story is to inform people which is what I accomplished.

Keigan reflected on his season and how well he and his team did. He was fun to interview and was passionate and energetic when he spoke. There were times where I had to tell him to stop talking because of how much he loved the sport.

We brought up a few different players and friends of Keigan who spoke about their experience in football. Alec Makernan and Kreg Herman sat down next to Keigan and discussed how they did on their season.

The video was very fun to shoot because the guys were so fin and messed around the whole shoot. It made it fell flowing and the audience would have fun watching in it. By the time I was done with everything the sun was down and it was dark out. It felt like a short time but with how much fun it was shooting, it went by so quickly.

Normally I don't like editing videos but this one was an exception. It was fun going back and looking at how much fun and energy they had.

When the whole class watched the video they were interested and didn't have a lot of negative feedback. It was positive things and they had good points to share about my video. The teacher shared their point of view and said very positive things about the video.

It was a fun video to shoot and i'm very happy and proud of how it turned out in the end. The video was fun and energetic and was fun to shoot. Being on the football, it made it just all the better. Most people just overlook our sophomore football team but with us being undefeated, I thought they we should be looked at and not ignored.