Monday, December 5, 2016

Feature Story 2 Reflection

Sophomore football is usually overlooked in high school and many people don't think about. However when you ask the players about it, they're passionate, they're eccentric about it, they love it. Keigan Anderson is just one of those few football players. He loves the sport and is proud that his team has gone two years undefeated.

The way I had my narrative was actually in reverse order. I started with a nut graph and then had a narrative lead. I thought that it would inform people better and keep them interested. It really introduced the main part of the story which was Keigan Anderson. I thought that that was important when watching it. The whole point of a feature story is to inform people which is what I accomplished.

Keigan reflected on his season and how well he and his team did. He was fun to interview and was passionate and energetic when he spoke. There were times where I had to tell him to stop talking because of how much he loved the sport.

We brought up a few different players and friends of Keigan who spoke about their experience in football. Alec Makernan and Kreg Herman sat down next to Keigan and discussed how they did on their season.

The video was very fun to shoot because the guys were so fin and messed around the whole shoot. It made it fell flowing and the audience would have fun watching in it. By the time I was done with everything the sun was down and it was dark out. It felt like a short time but with how much fun it was shooting, it went by so quickly.

Normally I don't like editing videos but this one was an exception. It was fun going back and looking at how much fun and energy they had.

When the whole class watched the video they were interested and didn't have a lot of negative feedback. It was positive things and they had good points to share about my video. The teacher shared their point of view and said very positive things about the video.

It was a fun video to shoot and i'm very happy and proud of how it turned out in the end. The video was fun and energetic and was fun to shoot. Being on the football, it made it just all the better. Most people just overlook our sophomore football team but with us being undefeated, I thought they we should be looked at and not ignored.

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