Thursday, October 29, 2015

My Personality Type


 My personality type is ENFP. Not entirely though since i'm more towards the middle of each personality factor thingy. ENFP people get energized by being around people. I also like making ideas and looking at the big picture. I also consider the feelings of other people's emotions. Another thing that I like is freedom and flexibility. Their are some famous people who share my personality type such as Shia LaBeuouf and...... JOHN CENA!!! DU DU DU DUUU DUDUDU DUUUUUUU

Relating to ENFP

I find that my personality type is very much like me. It's right on since the chart says that I'm towards the middle of an extravert and an introvert which is true since I'm shy and like time alone but love spending time with friends. I'm also a very feeling person and consider the feelings of others. Although I say that I should be more Intuitive and Feeling than the chart actually says. This personality type doesn't help me understand anymore about me since I already knew all these things about me but it clarifies  a few things. Like the way I gravitate to Shia LaBeuof and John Cena.

Personality to Other People

This helps me a little when it comes to working with other people. See, i'm not the best at working but I can do it with other people and sometimes my self. When I work with others I tend to "lift them up" and work them to make each other better. When i'm with other people I tend to make them happy and i'm happy. I think one way people have understood me is the fact that I get excited with other people and want everyone to be happy.

My Spirit Animal

My personality animal spirit is an otter. They are very social creatures and a like a lot of people. Otters are also hurt when people don't people don't like them. Another thing that otters are like are that they enjoy to goof-off and hurry up finishing jobs (Both ending in big messes).

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