Wednesday, December 16, 2015

This is a my name being written in a gif. In order to make this I had to use the erase tool and frame timeline. When i used the erase tool I had to work backwards in order to create the writing look of the gif. then in the frame timeline I reversed it to make it actually write my name.

This is a project I made using photoshop. It's 10 words that describe me as of now. I used the transform tool along with the video timeline tool so that i could create multiple frames to make the video to make the words zoom in to the picture.

My house

This here is a house that I created. I used a few new tools her such as shadows and the scenes tool. To make it spin is how i created the 3D movement of the entire house. I encountered a few problems when making the house such as the components not wanting to cooperate me but I eventually figured it all out.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Some chairs, a table, and Stan.

This is a project that I did in sketchup. For this project I used measurement tools and the follow me tool. The follow me tool was used to create the chair legs by making a design on one face and having it wrap around the entire leg of the chair. Pretty cool, huh?

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Dog House

This is a doghouse I made for my animation project. It's like building a simple house. For this project I had to use many new tools such as the move and line tool to create the roof. Another tool I used was the arc tool to create the little doorway. The Lamborghini is not mine however, I had to insert that from another file.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

My Personality Type


 My personality type is ENFP. Not entirely though since i'm more towards the middle of each personality factor thingy. ENFP people get energized by being around people. I also like making ideas and looking at the big picture. I also consider the feelings of other people's emotions. Another thing that I like is freedom and flexibility. Their are some famous people who share my personality type such as Shia LaBeuouf and...... JOHN CENA!!! DU DU DU DUUU DUDUDU DUUUUUUU

Relating to ENFP

I find that my personality type is very much like me. It's right on since the chart says that I'm towards the middle of an extravert and an introvert which is true since I'm shy and like time alone but love spending time with friends. I'm also a very feeling person and consider the feelings of others. Although I say that I should be more Intuitive and Feeling than the chart actually says. This personality type doesn't help me understand anymore about me since I already knew all these things about me but it clarifies  a few things. Like the way I gravitate to Shia LaBeuof and John Cena.

Personality to Other People

This helps me a little when it comes to working with other people. See, i'm not the best at working but I can do it with other people and sometimes my self. When I work with others I tend to "lift them up" and work them to make each other better. When i'm with other people I tend to make them happy and i'm happy. I think one way people have understood me is the fact that I get excited with other people and want everyone to be happy.

My Spirit Animal

My personality animal spirit is an otter. They are very social creatures and a like a lot of people. Otters are also hurt when people don't people don't like them. Another thing that otters are like are that they enjoy to goof-off and hurry up finishing jobs (Both ending in big messes).

Friday, October 23, 2015

Look! It's a ball, that bounces...........

The Ball

This is a bouncing ball animation I have created. The animation that I have used for this specific animation is the squash and stretch animation. The other animation principle that I used was ease in and ease out. One of the new photoshop technique I learned was the new frame animation tool.

Video About squash and stretch 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Schools and Tweets
In class the other day we read and article about schools looking at your tweets. Depending on what students wrote on social media that was a big deciding factor for students going into colleges. If they wrote inappropriate things ion social media they could be denied a place in college. Some schools are even teaching students how to handle this by making two accounts and deleting drunk twitter posts. 

What is surprising in this article is how much social media colleges look at. I didn't know that colleges went as far as to look at your e-mail. Even one tweet could ruin your college application. One thing I knew was that some businesses looked at your social media posts but I didn't know that colleges looked at your social media and I didn't know that many colleges looked at you social media posts. 

Some things that confused me in the article were the fact as to why colleges even look at your social media posts. Everyone has done something stupid in their past but it shouldn't affect what college they go to. Another thing that I had a question on was if our high schools look at our social media to see what kind of person we are. Does Olathe Northwest look at our social media to figure out what kind of person we are?

This doesn't really impact the way I look at social media because I knew that employers and such look at social media so it doesn't really change anything that colleges look at social media. I don't post bad things on social media but occasionally if something offends me i'll comment about it but most of the time I won't. So this whole little schools looking at social media doesn't change me. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

 This is my first photoshop project that I worked on. This introduced the cropping tool and the copy and paste tool.

This next project introduced the gradient tool and a new type of typing tools.

This project taught me the cut tool which allowed me to move the ravens head from the original picture and on to this one. The opacity tool was also showed off. This also showed how to use the clone stamp tool to get rid of objects in the picture.

What this project showed was the stamp tool. There was another tool involved but as you can see from the black background, I have no idea how to use it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

This is my personal logo. The logo has so many different meanings and layers to it. I'm gonna start off by talking about which ones I wanted to apply to it. The first one is the color which of course is blue. Blue is my favorite color and blue is a calming color which is what I do to people when I want to, calm them. The triangle shows that i have edges that you shouldn't touch because they're pointy and hostile. The multiple layers is to show that I have layers, like an onion.

Friday, September 18, 2015

This is my name but with typography added on to it. Typography is what letters are. It's a smart word for typing and writing. It points out everything about a letter. So now i have more to think about in English. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Hey there! This is a color wheel that I made. I wanted to make it different from the normal round color wheels. Look now, it's a pretty flower of color. It's not the best, but this is only my first time using this program and it's very confusing to me. Better color wheels exist but mine is better because well it's not but i'd like t think so.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

I made a lot of personal connections to this video. One of those connections was that my mind likes to come up with many designs and landscapes. I'm also very creative when it comes to making things up in my head. I also think about what other people would like to see when i design things. 

In this video I discovered many things. Most of them were about graphic design of course but that's besides the point. I learned that it takes a lot of imagination to create graphic designs. Not everything has to be pretty or absolutely amazing. They just need to be able to catch people's attention. You need to be able to create something thats gonna inspire people or catch their attention.